lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Tories and Whigs, why not in English?

Bueno, vamos a ser ambiciosos... ¿por qué no atrevernos a leer en inglés la diferencia entre Tories y Whigs que nos aparece en una de las últimas aportaciones, explicando la Revolución Gloriosa? ¡Ánimo, que podéis! El texto también nos explica el punto de vista que ambos "partidos" tenían respecto a las Colonias Norteamericanas...

The Whigs and Tories were British Political parties that developed in the latter part of the 17th century. The Whigs generally supported constitutional monarchy and the role of the aristocracy, while the Tories supported a stronger monarchy. In the world of colonial and revolutionary America, the Whigs generally supported the patriots and the need for the recognition of self government for the aristocratic families of the colonies. The Whig position was that Englishmen in the colonies should have the same rights as Englishmen at home and thus took offence at the taxes and other abuses of these rights for the colonists. The Tories on the other hand supported a stronger monarchy and believed that the King and Parlaiment had the right to treat the colonies as they chose. They did not believe that the colonists should have the same rights as English citizens did in England. Thus the Tories were generally loyal to the English throne and against the War for Independence
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